In order to provide for an attractive and respectful environment, which can be maintained in a timely, cost effective and equitable manner, the following decoration regulations have been approved by the Clinton City Council:
No decorations, plantings, memorabilia or other items shall be placed in an area that requires mowing or weed eating from March 1 – November 1.
Flowers and bushes may be placed within a bordered, landscaped area that has been permitted by the Englewood Cemetery Board. Maintenance within the landscaped area is the responsibility of the permittee. Contact the Cemetery Sexton to begin the permit process.
Temporary decorations, such as floral arrangements (natural and artificial), may be placed in a permanently installed vase or on the monument or crypt surface. All such decorations may be removed by cemetery staff within two (2) weeks after being placed or when they become wilted, unsightly or “out of seasonâ€.
Temporary decorations may be placed adjacent to the monument or crypt surface from Memorial Day through the following two (2) weeks.
Memorabilia or other items may be affixed to the monument or crypt surface. Items shall not extend more than 24 inches above the surface of the ground.
Flowers over a new grave will be removed when they become wilted and unsightly.
Approved 06/21/2016